Reedsfield Care
Tel: 0178 489 8170
Out of hours: 07403 862 037

Our Care Services

Mental Health Outreach Support

This service will work with your loved one to help them re-engage with local mental health services and promote recovery. We shall support your loved one to regain social and domestic life skills they may have lost like friendship, healthy relationships, work, maintaining accommodation, budgeting skills, healthy lifestyle, cooking and personal hygiene. We shall support your loved one to gain confidence and self-esteem in order to overcome their emotional and psychological barriers to recovery.

Palliative & End of Life Care

Death is not an easy subject to deal with especially when your loved one is involved, so we shall provide practical emotional support throughout this period. At Reedsfield Care our first task will be to ensure that your loved ones choices and wishes are respected up until the last day. We shall work with specialist palliative care nurses and the GP to find a suitable care package that lessens the pain of your loved one and also maintains dignity in death.

Dementia Care

Dementia can have an impact on your loved ones ability to live their life fully on a day to day basis. They may find it difficult to communicate various issues like pain or discomfort, choices, follow conversation or remember different information.

Our service will where possible work with families and friends to enable the loved one to do things for themselves rather than 'taking over'. This will increase the person's wellbeing and helps maintain their dignity, confidence and self-esteem, rather than making them feel helpless or worthless. We shall help provide practical help in setting up reminders or prompts to your loved ones about various home routines they may like to undertake.

Personal Care

Assisting and supporting individuals to either have a full wash, a shower and a bath. Our carers may be present whilst showering or bathing to offer peace of mind. Our carers will assist your loved one get dressed for different occasions putting their choices and wishes as paramount. Our carers will assist your loved one with all toilet needs that they may require assistance with throughout the day, and this will be done with the utmost respect and dignity.